For the future development of municipal sludge, efforts can be made in three directions.

Sep 05, 2019

Since the classification of dry and wet waste, there is no good way to deal with the waste generated by the sludge treatment plant, such as gate residue and sand settling, including the grid waste and sand settling waste generated by the sewage plant. For the future development of municipal sludge, efforts can be made in three directions:
First, the whole chain opens up the road of municipal sludge recycling, hoping to realize the industrialization of municipal sludge recycling in the next five years. The misunderstanding of sludge incineration ash needs to be eliminated. The properties of municipal sludge ash are different from that of waste incineration plant. "A lot of people think that ash from sludge incineration is dangerous ash. We asked the Chinese academy of environmental sciences to identify hazardous waste from sludge incineration ash and found that it was not hazardous waste at all, or even two to three orders of magnitude worse than the national standards for hazardous waste identification."

Secondly, in the next five years, we hope to improve the quality and efficiency of the pipeline network, increase the calorific value of sludge, and increase the energy self-sufficiency rate of the sludge incinerator from 60% to about 80%, or even higher. It is hoped that Shanghai will give further support to the industrial policy, so that the comprehensive utilization of resources for the trans-provincial transport of ash and slag by enterprises will not only work well, but also be able to work for a long time.
Thirdly, due to the nimby effect, it is very difficult to implement the sludge project. It is hoped that the sludge plant can be built in the future to be more ecological and environmentally friendly, with more distinctive buildings inside the plant. Through optimization of operation, the rejection of sludge incineration will be eliminated, and the neighborhood will become a neighborhood.